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In many buildings, car park lighting and ventilation systems running 24/7, account for the majority of base building electricity usage. In many cases, car parks can be over ventilated with exhaust fans running at full speed irrespective of the occupancy and clean air needs. You can drastically reduce your energy consumption by installing a Smart Car Park Solution.

Controlstore supplies a full range of leading quality, cost competitive products for Car Park Ventilation Systems, and collaborates closely with LightControl to offer a flexible and tailored solution. Our comprehensive Smart Car Park Solution covers:

  • Gas detection and Ventilation Control Systems
  • Lighting and Lighting Control Solutions

Utilising CO and NO2 sensors linked to Variable Speed Drive ventilation fans ensure that harmful contaminants are maintained at safe levels and also deliver significant energy and cost savings.

How an energy efficient Car Park Ventilation System works

Mechanical Car Park Ventilation Systems are essential to remove hazardous exhaust gases, ensuring cleaner air within the parking area and allowing fire authorities the ability to purge smoke in the event of a fire.

Graph 1: Typical multi-point carbon monoxide detection and control system for a medium size parking structure.

As Graph 1 shows, a controller monitoring multiple air quality sensors (e.g. CO and NO2 sensors) is capable of zoning.

  • The controller has multiple relay outputs and thresholds in order to control exhaust fans, make-up fans and supply fans.
  • Outputs from the controller are used to ramp up variable speed drives (VSD) based on the serviced area of the exhaust fan.
  • When the exhaust fans are stopped or operating at low speed the Car Park has minimal ventilation.
  • When concentrations of gases approach unsafe levels as detected by the sensor, the ventilation system is activated to normalize the parking area.

This ensures fans run when needed or can be set to run certain minutes/hour, reducing overall energy consumption and costs.

  • Air Quality Sensors

  • Variable Speed Drives

  • Controllers

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