We’re proud to announce that Controlstore is now an Australian distributor of iSMA products

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We understand that our customers want the latest technologies that offer versatility, quality assurance and value for money. This is why we have recently partnered with IOTechnic, offering a wide variety of innovative controllers and I/O options to take your business to the next level. We’re proud to announce that Controlstore is now an Australian distributor of iSMA products.

Key benefits of iSMA:

  • The core of the iSMA solutions is built on SVM (Sedona Virtual Machine) and the Niagara Framework®.
  • Effective integration and interoperability of systems with BACnet and Modbus as standard.
  • Comprehensive solution for building automation and security systems.
  • iSMA combines systems into a unified platform, regardless of the manufacturer or communication protocol used.
  • Managed in real time using standard web browsers.

iSMA – Connectivity is the key

Like lego blocks, iSMA products connect with each other with versatility and ease. IP versions have an integrated 2 port Ethernet switch and built-in Modbus gateway to connect any additional Modbus RTU device like power meters or VFD’s.

The product group of I/O modules MINI series has been designed to complement the I/O modules of the MIX series and Sedona Controllers.

Other modules include Wireless I/O, Room Controllers, Sedona Controllers, JACE Controllers and Software.

Interested to find out more?

Download the iSMA catalogue and get in touch today to learn how iSMA controllers provide you value-for-money, seamless system connectivity.